Older Celeb Neck Reset

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Older Celeb Neck Reset

Message par Rowdee » 08 Nov 2019 5:18

Hi guys. Long time Ovation player. Bought my first in 1976 and have enjoyed them. I have an old Celebrity I bought more than 20 years ago to use in bar and coffee house gigs and it was great. Its taken a beating and has maintained its looks and setup really well. Sadly, winter before last, my building burned and I was unable to get in for a couple days to retrieve it. Everything was elsewhere so my collection survived. It was winter and they had opened all the windows to air the place and this guitar well, it didnt seem bad at all except for some cracking in the finish. Then I noticed the action was way off and the neck had a slight bow in it. Maybe an 1/8th inch. It still played. Pre-amp worked but, the nut on the truss rod froze and when they tried to loosen it the 5mm head stripped. So, my issue is this. I would love to salvage it, but I do not know how the neck is attached. Its not a bolt on, but possibly a dovetail joint? I am a master cabinetmaker and woodworker so research is everything before laying hands on. I would be grateful if someone could give me some guidance on this. I would like to save it. A new truss rod, straighten the neck, reassemble. Thanks ahead of time for any info you can help me with. Im sure it starts with a sharp blade to slip through the finish around the mounting. Then, a very thin wide blade to slip under the neck. Anyway.....
Message(s) : 2
Inscription : 22 Sep 2019 21:44

Re: Older Celeb Neck Reset

Message par Rowdee » 10 Nov 2019 21:09

Well, this is working out good. Gotta be someone in the world that knows about this.
Message(s) : 2
Inscription : 22 Sep 2019 21:44

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