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Ovation wanted

22 Jan 2007 3:27

I'm looking for an Ovation made in the usa at a resonable price!!

email: andre_barata@hotmail.com
msn: andre_barata@hotmail.com
Or thru Pm!

I'm Portuguese so prefer European sellers!

Thank you
Merci ;)

22 Jan 2007 11:59

Hi Andre,

Can you please just tell us what is reasonable for you and what kind of Ovation you are seeking...there are so many different models in the Ovation catalog being a bit more precise could help.

Cheers !!

22 Jan 2007 12:07

cyril1112 a écrit :Hi Andre,

Can you please just tell us what is reasonable for you and what kind of Ovation you are seeking...there are so many different models in the Ovation catalog being a bit more precise could help.

Cheers !!

Qu'est ce qui dis, le Duck ??? shocked
Peut pas parler savoyard, comme tout le monde... :twisted:

22 Jan 2007 12:10

fabou75020 a écrit :
cyril1112 a écrit :Hi Andre,

Can you please just tell us what is reasonable for you and what kind of Ovation you are seeking...there are so many different models in the Ovation catalog being a bit more precise could help.

Cheers !!

Qu'est ce qui dis, le Duck ??? shocked
Peut pas parler savoyard, comme tout le monde... :twisted:

Ben c'est bien vrrrai ça ...... non de d'là ....... mdr mdr

22 Jan 2007 12:50

You are right duck!
I resonable price would be something like 500€ - 550€. I'm just interested on cheap guitar :oops: (i dont have money for more)

Please translate what i said to english it might be easier to understand!

Thank you all!

22 Jan 2007 16:19

Bon l'ami Andre cherche une guitare aux alentours de 500-550€. Ca va peut-être être juste pour une US ou alors une un peu fatiguée. Si quelqu'un peut l'aider, je traduirai si besoin est.


I believe you mean you want me to translate to french, not to English which would not help much...OK you post has been translated. I think that 500€ might be short for an US model but maybe an old second (or more) hand could do...who knows. We'll see what the others have to say and I will translate if needed.
Can you tell us more about you, you style of music, what gears you have for the moment and so on....Can you also show your location on the member's map. I think you are the very first from Portugal, J )))king likes to see his influence over Europe grow....that's the way kings are !! :wink:


22 Jan 2007 16:31

J'suis sûr qu'il raconte des conneries sur nos endosses, le ++cyril
Attends que j'le rencontre (ce qui ne saurait tarder :wink: ), et je m'en va te lui coller un bourre pif made in france, à l'empapaplumé :twisted:
On va war c'que l'on va war :!:

22 Jan 2007 16:34

[center]JALOUX !!![/center]

22 Jan 2007 17:16

Hi again,
My name is André Barata and i'm 18 years old. I live in Fundão which is a city situated near "Serra da Estrela" (higst mountain in Portugal)
My gear is an Ibanez 370 dx (i was a metal dude now i'm comng to the good side :P)
I'm building my own amp which would be a replica of the famous 18w Marshall.
Why did i choose ovation? The real reason is because one of my favourite players, Robert Fripp, plays with ovation too.

This is the song that touches me the moust http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-KqHPr46KI

Thank you cyril1112 for introduce me well

22 Jan 2007 17:18

oh p*tain y'a que des ovations...

22 Jan 2007 19:14

abcdadi a écrit :oh p*tain y'a que des ovations...

ouais, un peu space, mais bon, l'en faut pour tous les gouts.....

22 Jan 2007 20:09

ouais, un peu space, mais bon, l'en faut pour tous les gouts.....

Un peu ouais !! :shock:

Ca nous change du picking remarque....

Kind of weird music.....but we all have our own tastes....!! :wink:

22 Jan 2007 20:25

Moi j'aime pas! :?

22 Jan 2007 21:20

Je n'ais pas réussi à aller plus loin que le début :? !!!!

..... je veux du Marcel...na :cry:

22 Jan 2007 23:06

françois D a écrit :Moi j'aime pas! :?

Adamas55 a écrit :Je n'ais pas réussi à aller plus loin que le début !!!!
..... je veux du Marcel...na

C'est bien ça l'idée, mais moi j'voulais resté soft ..... mdr mdr mdr mdr mdr mdr mdr mdr mdr
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